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Spend Passion Cut Junk

Uncategorized Nov 21, 2017


With Black Friday coming up this week, I decided to make the topic of this weeks post something I call "Spend Passion Cut Junk." This phrase means that you should focus your spending on things that you're passionate about. Spend your money on things that drive you, and things that get you excited. On the other hand, do absolutely everything in your power to cut spending on things that do not matter to you. In other words, stop spending on JUNK!

This concept is rather intuitive, but most people do not make a conscious effort to focus their spending. instead, it is common practice to just buy something because it's on sale. I want to challenge you to ask yourself this question before you buy something simply because it's on sale: "will I still be as excited about this purchase as I am right now in one or two years time?" If the answer is NO, then don't buy it. Instead, spend your money on things that result in you answering YES to that same question.

This is a trick that I have used for years, and it has saved me a ton of money. I am passionate about books, so I spend my money on books. I don't like electronic gadgets, so I don't spend my money on electronics. If I can't answer YES to my hypothetical question when I go to buy something, then I simply don't buy the item. This trick will come in handy for all you folks out there who are planning to hit the malls or do your shopping online this Black Friday. I know exactly what I will be buying this Black Friday. I would love to hear back whether this spending tip was useful, so please feel free to send me a comment in any of my social media feeds. Happy Spending!

Talk to you soon!

Adeola Omole

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